Eight Best Shoulder Exercises with Resistance Band Sciatic Stretcher

Eight Best Shoulder Exercises with Resistance Band Sciatic Stretcher

We understand how much space kettlebells and dumbbells take up in your house. However, to get the most out of your at-home workout, you don’t need a lot of costly equipment anymore!

Resistance bands take up little space. They are extremely portable and suitable for people of all fitness levels. Usually, a shoulder workout with a resistance band is considered beneficial. Coming in several shapes and sizes, resistance bands are one of the best strength training tools you can use to build muscle and improve strength and stamina.

These bands are the ideal workout item if you’re looking for a simple way to complete shoulder exercises. In addition, you can take a set of resistance bands with you when you’re on the go or traveling because they’re portable, practical, and inexpensive.

10 Shoulder Exercises to Perform

Shoulder workout with resistance band is effective and simple to perform, making them suitable for people of all fitness levels and abilities. Thus, this article has discussed some amazing shoulder workouts through resistance bands. So, let’s delve deeper to know it!

Eight Best Shoulder Exercises Using Resistance Band


1. Resistance Band Internal Rotation


Internal rotation using a resistance band is an excellent way to work the stabilizer muscles at the front of your shoulder. It also serves as a great rotator cuff warm-up.

Begin this workout by looping the band around a strong object. Then, with one hand on the band’s end, move out with your side to the band.

Rotate your hand inward towards your body while keeping your elbow locked at your side with your arm bent 90 degrees. After that, switch sides and repeat the exercise with the opposite arm.

2. Single-Arm Band Lateral Raise


Stand straight and loop the band across your left foot once (or twice for more resistance). Then, with your palm facing in and your arms straight, hold the other end of the band in your right hand.

Then, pull the band up to shoulder level with your right arm out to the side steadily, making sure your palms are parallel to the ground.

Hold the band for a second before carefully returning it to your side. Change the sides when you’ve completed all of the reps on the right side.

3. Upright Rows


With your feet shoulder-width apart, spine neutral, and core engaged, stand on one end of the loop. (To add resistance, put the band around your feet.)

Hold the opposite end of the band in front of your waist with both hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing inwards. Raise the resistance band straight up to your upper chest area, tightening your shoulder blades and lifting your elbows high above your arms.

Then slowly lower the band and continue the cycle. Maintain a straight posture and supple knees through the upright row exercise to relieve pressure on your lower spine.

4. Reverse Fly


Your upper back, shoulders, and upper arms will all benefit from this workout. In addition, it aids in improving posture and is especially good for persons who frequently sit or do forward-bending activities.

  • Place yourself in the center of the band.
  • So that the band crosses in front of your lower legs, cross the ends to opposite hands.
  • Keep a tiny bend in your knees and hinge at your hips while bending forward slightly, maintaining your spine long and neutral.
  • Pull the band up and out to the sides until your hands are at or above chest level.
  • Make a fist with your shoulder blades.
  • For a few minutes, stay in this position.
  • Then, return to starting position gradually.

5. Kneeling Superman


Bend the knee on the ground with your back slightly curved inwards on the floor. The resistance band should be looped around your right foot and left hand, with your chin, tucked, elbows flexed slightly, knees under your hips, wrists behind your shoulders.

Raise your left hand and right foot as high as possible to stretch the band intricately beneath your body until you feel stiffness along your back. Then, come back to the starting position after a brief pause. Then, on both sides, repeat the same action.

6. Standing Row


The rhomboids and lats, and the middle and lower trapezius, are targeted in this exercise. As you finish the exercise, draw your shoulder blades together. Maintain a relaxed neck and prevent bending down your shoulders.

  • Wrap the resistance band around a doorknob or a secure object to keep it in place.
  • Grab a handle and keep your forearms parallel to the ground in each hand.
  • Bend your elbows and return your arms to the sides of your ribs. Avoid arching your back or thrusting your ribs forward.
  • Return to the starting position steadily.

7. Front Raise


With your feet shoulder-width apart, core tense, and shoulders pushed back, stand erect on one end of the resistance band.

With both hands shoulder-width apart and elbows slightly bent, grab the other end of the band in an overhand grip. Next, raise your arms straight in front of you to shoulder level and hold for a moment before lowering them back to the starting position.

Don’t utilize the band’s momentum to elevate it. Avoid shrugging your shoulders or moving your body back and forth to keep the tension and burn consistent throughout the activity. This exercise will also strengthen your front delts.

8. Overhead Band Pull-Apart


The shoulders, back, and triceps are all worked out in this workout. As a result, stability, flexibility, and posture are all improved.

  • Hold the band above your head in a straight position.
  • Pull the band apart as you drop your arms to shoulder height and press your palms out to the sides.
  • For a few seconds, stay in this position.
  • Return slowly to the beginning position, keeping your shoulder blades down and far from your ears.

In A Nutshell

Resistance band workouts are a great approach to strengthening and stretching your shoulders and rotator cuffs while being safe. Have fun incorporating them into your training program, and if you need assistance or have any medical conditions, consult a physical therapist, doctor, or personal trainer.

Moreover, if you need high-quality resistance bands to exercise at home or anywhere, you can always buy from us at the most reasonable prices.

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