Types, Causes, Symptoms of Neck Pain and Stiffness | Sciatic Stretcher

A Guide on Neck Pain and Stiffness – Causes And Ways to Cure

A pain-free neck is more like a carefree day for our youth — we don’t appreciate it ‘until it’s gone. But unfortunately, neck pain and stiffness are major issues in today’s time that can be debilitating for humans, affecting family time, social life, hobbies, and even work efficiency. In addition, an individual usually feels soreness and faces difficulty moving the neck when it occurs, particularly while turning the head to the side.

You’re probably familiar with neck aches when reading this writing piece. Therefore, we are here with this handy guide to help you comprehend exactly neck pain and its multiple causes and forms. Moreover, what are its symptoms and typical ways to cure it, whether you’ve just awakened with a whopper of a crick in your neck, had an injury, or struggled with chronic neck pain.

So, let’s delve deeper to know!

What is Neck Pain?

Neck problems are the worst type of overachievers. It’s so widespread that, behind coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular illness, and lower respiratory infection, it’s the fourth greatest cause of disability worldwide. Every year, over 30% of people are affected.

It isn’t always centered on the neck. It can impact the entire upper body of a human, including arms, shoulders, and chest, and cause headaches. Neck pain can be frustrating, making it difficult to concentrate and get through the entire day.

Neck pain can interfere with daily activities such as sleeping, feeling productive, and spending time with friends and family. It affects more than just an individual’s physical health. Studies have revealed that chronic pain can greatly impact an individual’s mental health; up to 85% of individuals with chronic neck pain are affected by extreme depression.

Types, Causes, Symptoms of Neck Pain and Stiffness | Sciatic StretcherTypes, Causes, Symptoms of Neck Pain and Stiffness | Sciatic Stretcher

Types of Neck Pain

There are various types of neck pain. Some people only have one type, while others have a mix of the two.

1. Neuropathic Neck Pain

Neuropathic neck pain stems from the nerves or nerve roots in the cervical spine, caused by a herniated disc pressing against a neighboring nerve or other sources of nerve compression.

2. Mechanical Neck Pain

The vertebrae and their supporting components are the sources of this discomfort (e.g., ligaments, muscles, cartilage, or bones). Poor posture, neck strain from job or sports/physical activity, and even worry are common causes of mechanical pain.

3. Central Neuropathic Pain

A spinal cord injury, stroke, or multiple sclerosis are the most prevalent causes. In addition, it can lead to central nervous system injury, such as a severe brain/spinal cord injury or infection (including encephalitis, abscess, or myelitis).

Causes of Neck Pain and Stiffness

Neck stiffness can be a symptom of an underlying problem with the cervical spine, which supports and moves the neck while also protecting the spinal cord. The following are a few causes of neck problems:

1. Whiplash

It occurs when an individual force their head to move backward or forward beyond its normal range of motion. As a result, the ligaments and muscles in the neck tighten and contract due to abnormal and fast movement. Muscle exhaustion occurs, as a result, resulting in discomfort and stiffness. An automobile collision can also cause whiplash, although it can be caused by other traumas like a fall or a sports injury.

2. Osteoarthritis

This is often known as spondylosis when it affects the facet joints in the spine, which is the most prevalent type of arthritis. Moreover, wear and tear and age can generate osteophytes (bone spurs), which can clog the spinal canal and pressure nerve roots in the neck.

3. Other Types of Arthritis

Several types of arthritis, notably inflammatory forms such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis, can primarily affect the cervical spine. In addition, chronic neck inflammation can damage the joints that enable movement in the neck.

4. Extra Weight

Extra pounds place unnecessary stress on the spine, and weak abdominal muscles might fail to support it, causing the spine’s balance and the neck to bow forward to adjust.

5. Stress

Stress is a natural physical and psychological response to life’s events. Everyone experiences stress in daily life. It can be triggered by anything from regular responsibilities to major life events like a death of a loved one or a fight in the street.

Thus, if you feel frustrated – you might unconsciously tense the muscles that move your neck, resulting in a stiff, aching neck.

6. Poor Poster

Prolonged improper postures can cause neck pain— such as looking at someone or excessive smartphone use. Furthermore, clenched teeth, improper lifting, lengthy periods of sitting at the computer, and reading in bed can all cause neck pain.

7. Other Disease Processes

While the strain is the major cause of neck pain and stiffness, persistent pain or neurologic deficits can indicate something more serious. Therefore, a person must not ignore the signs. Infections of the spine, compression of the tumors, spinal cord, fractures, and other problems can occur. If you’ve had a head injury, your neck is almost certainly impacted. Seek medical help as soon as possible.


In addition to neck stiffness, a herniated disc or a bone spur pressing on a nerve root or the spinal cord can cause:

  • The arm pain
  • In the forearm or arm, weakness or numbness
  • Tingling sensations in the fingers and hands
  • Balance and walking difficulties
  • Legs or Arms weakness

Do’s And Don’ts of Neck Pain and Stiffness

Taking it easy for a day or two is sometimes crucial to allow the neck’s soft tissues to recover. When pain is severe, an individual may choose to take an over-the-counter pain reliever or employ heat or ice therapy.

Professionals usually don’t recommend using a cervical collar to immobilize neck pain and stiffness. Instead, a person with a stiff neck should aim to maintain normal activity levels as much as possible, particularly after the first few days.

Moreover, to get rid of neck stiffness, you also can consult a professional, go for massage therapies, and use instruments for massage from our platform to get rid of all types of neck pain and relax your body and mind.

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