If for any reason you are not satisfied with Sciatic Stretcher within 60 days from the original purchase date, you may return it to the shipping address it came from on original receipt for a full refund of your purchase price, minus shipping charges. All shipping and handling charges are to be paid by the customer to return the device to address it was sent from. The Sciatic Stretcher must be returned to us with the original instruction manual, and carrying bag, with no damage to: the device, instruction manual or carrying bag beyond normal wear age of product. If the Sciatic Stretcher, carrying bag, instruction manual is returned incomplete as stated above, or the state of the device is considered to be damaged or to have excessive wear, or the shipment arrives after the 60 day expiration date, a refund WILL NOT be issued and the shipment will be returned to you at our cost.
NOTE: This policy does not apply to Special or Discounted Offers.
You must include a copy of your original receipt of Sciatic Stretcher and refunds will only be issued to the original buyer.